Monday, October 22, 2007

Link: A wonderful 10 minute documentary about a family's journey to China and international adoption

This video is one of the best I have seen. The 1st orphanage in the video is Lianjiang SWI, where our Grace is. I have watched it about 8 times now and have laughed and cried every time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a cold rainy day in eastern Arkansas, so I settled down with a warm bowl of soup and watched the video -- thank you for sharing it with us! I am excited (and jealous) of Grace to be entering into your fantastic family. It strikes me that your long adoption process has been filled with many lessons. Great things come to those with patience. Many blessings and prayers to all of you as you open your family and your hearts to baby Grace. With much love and excitment, Kaje, Mike and our crazy kids.