Trying on my shoes!
I can't believe we met Grace one month ago today!!! This past month has been such an overwhelming, but wonderful experience.
After birthing four children, with inductions and Lamaze, I see now now what other adoptive parents have told us... Bringing a child into your family from an orphanage is much more challenging and time consuming than bringing a newborn into your home.
The first priority in bringing these precious girls into your home, is to encourage trust, attachment, and bonding. Unlike having a biological newborn daughter, these little girls have been abandoned by their mothers, have not had a consistent caregiver, and even in the best orphanages, their cries have not been consistently responded to. Each little girl is different in how they coped, but all have had that trust broken which is usually gained through a newborn attaching and bonding with their Mother. It is very important for us to immediately respond to Grace's every need and cry. We cannot let her "cry it out" like a biological child or leave the room without taking her with us. Showers and "Potty Breaks" are the biggest challenge. It is also important that only Chris and I take care of her needs. The kids can help out occasionally, but it is important for her to establish who her Mother and Father are. I am limited to leave the house while she is napping or asleep and have revisited Saturday AM grocery shopping and left-overs. The kids have been real troopers; they have not once complained about the decrease in, or lack of food/snacks. They have seen me go three days without a shower...they are wise.
Grace seems to be bonding to us and adjusting to life here. She has been eating a lot and seems to be gaining a little weight. She makes eye contact, laughs, and loves being tickled. She will let me kiss her and occasionally hug her(as long as it's quick). We will continue to bottle feed her to encourage bonding...but it's a challenge to hold it. She wants to do it. She still doesn't like you to hold or touch her hands. We play patty-cake and have started putting lotion on each other's hands to try to help this. When we were in China, she would not let me hold her chest to chest. She would arch her back and scream when I would try. I took a sling carrier with me to China and she fussed when I would put her in it. It was too intimate for her. I would have to carry her facing away from me. She now will let me carry her on my hip facing in, but "stiff-arms" me if I pull her too close. She loves music and likes to dance, so I've been holding her and dancing with her. She's sleeping though the night now and taking 2 small naps/day, but she refuses to be rocked to sleep.
We all love this little girl with all our heart...baby steps.
I look forward to my first bear hug!!!